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Technorama Co., Ltd. was founded in the early 90's to provide engineering and consulting services to the sporting good industry, linking Far Eastern manufacturers and component suppliers to customers throughout Europe and North America.

With vast and diversified manufacturing and subcontracting resources, accumulated through years of hands on experience, both inside and outside of the golf industry, Technorama evolved to become one of the leading designer and manufacturer of a broad range of tools, gauges and instrumentation, used by clubhead designers, manufacturers and clubmakers worldwide.

Today, Technorama operates a state of the art fully integrated manufacturing facility run by an experienced team of engineers and technicians, providing in depth expertise in mechanical engineering, electronic circuit design, application software development, manufacturing and production engineering amongst others.

We have been in business for over a decade, serving major golf club manufacturers, casting houses and golf component distributors. We've developed our business by understanding our customer's requirements for efficient cost effective solutions, based on innovation, sound engineering, speedy product development and a flexible manufacturing environment. This dedicated approach to golf has generated over 200 unique and innovative products, and several utility patents worldwide.

As one of the leading manufacturer and genuine innovator of golf related products, Technorama is always seeking to expand its partnerships with golf club component distributors, retailers, golf club manufacturers and the casual golf inventor.

Our mission Statement:
Conceive, Design, Engineer, manufacture and deliver first class products that answer the needs of professional clubhead designers, golf club makers, manufacturers and retailers.

Our Strategy:
Develop and maintain core disciplines under one roof for tighter integration needed to turn design ideas and concepts into reality, quickly and cost effectively.

Contact Info: Technorama Co., Ltd.

No.781, Section 4, Fenglin Road,
Daliao District, Kaohsiung City 83166

Tel:Intl +886-7-6436516
Fax:Intl +886-7-6436529
EMail Contact:
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